Tuesday, December 16, 2014

A New Project

A cup of coffee is always nice before you start writing. That's at least what I use to get my brain juices going.
I'm a writer, not a writer of books or short stories but rather fictional blogs for this thing called The Fear Mythos.

I decided on making a new blog called #Hell, which you can find here

It's about a man in the year 2030 who is struggling with his life. He's lower-class, alone and has no friends or family to support him.

The first post is more to introduce his character, his living situation and to throw in a nod to my favorite fear mythos author Adam Levine a.k.a Alliterator.

I'm not sure if that's his real name or not but that's what it says on the book he edited and published. You know the first fear mythos anthology, Faces, Strange & Secret.

You can buy it here.
I don't have a story in it because it was published before I found the fear mythos but I still think it's neat and you should pick up a copy.

Now, I'm not sure where I'm going with this. I think I'll have it be a near-future sci-fi story with some playful Cosmic Horror and a dash of self-discovery. I also thought about playing with Recursive Reality, but maybe that's kind of too much.

I'm really excited for this project.
I'll keep you updated.

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